This year the Federal Government has released its Technology Investment Roadmap in which it details its plans to focus on new technologies to reach Australia’s emissions targets. That plan identifies a target cost of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) at $20 per tonne of CO2 as one of 5 priority stretch goals. In support of this effort, the Federal Budget released in October of this year commits $50M over the next 3 years to CCS R&D projects. inGauge Energy has designed and constructed more CCS wells than all other parties combined in Australia. In 2019 inGauge completed the design and construction of four deviated CCS injection wells for CO2CRC in their Otway National Research Facility near Port Campbell in Victoria. We went on to successfully run complex completions as part of their seismic monitoring array in those wells plus one existing well. In 2020, and leveraging that expertise, inGauge won the tender to design and construct the West Moonie 1 CCS injection well for CTSCo (a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore) in the Surat Basin in Queensland.
For this project inGauge provided end to end design and project management services, covering environmental assessments, engineering design and procurement, civil construction, logistics and well construction operations management. We are delighted to report that West Moonie 1 has now been successfully drilled to a depth of 2700m and handed over to CTSCo for use in the next phases of the technology development. We look forward to working with CTSCo again in the near future.
Learn more about the project here.
Project Kindy
inGauge is pleased to parter with Project Kindy, a small charity working with children in Africa. inGauge provided funding for a well to be drilled to provide fresh water for a kindergarten and also to its associated village community.
Comet Ridge – Mahalo North Appraisal Wells
Successful two well campaign for Comet Ridge in new Mahalo North field. The Mahalo North 1 and 2 wells are another step towards Comet Ridge proving additional reserves and demonstrating the extension of the Mahalo field fairway.
inGauge Complete International Geothermal Producer Technical Review
A geothermal energy provider based in the Philippines requested a review to identify gaps in current geothermal subsurface assessment, engineering planning and execution practices, systems and processes. inGauge completed the initial review against current Oil and Gas industry systems, practices and processes.