07 3184 3510 [email protected]
Successful Carpentaria 2H Well Flow Test

Successful Carpentaria 2H Well Flow Test

We are pleased to celebrate with Empire Energy as we carry out the flow test on their successful Carpentaria 2H well. inGauge is proud of working with Empire to have pumped the largest propped frac in the Beetaloo Basin and we believe, in fact, the largest in Australia.

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Project Kindy Update

Project Kindy Update

Project Kindy Update – In 2020 inGauge donated to Project Kindy in order to empower a Malawi community with fresh and local, clean water with four new wells.

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NSW Government Well Remediation Contract Award

NSW Government Well Remediation Contract Award

In April 2022, inGauge Energy was awarded the contract to remediate five petroleum wells on behalf of the Department of Regional NSW. The NSW Government has invested significant funding into this Legacy Mine Program, with the overall project objective being to effectively remediate legacy petroleum wells to NSW Code of Practice for CSG Wells standards.

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Project Kindy

Project Kindy

inGauge is pleased to parter with Project Kindy, a small charity working with children in Africa.  inGauge provided funding for a well to be drilled to provide fresh water for a kindergarten and also to its associated village community.

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