07 3184 3510 [email protected]

The Queensland Petroleum and Exploration Association (QUPEX) is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide members and the oil and gas community an opportunity to share experience and information. inGauge is excited to continue as a Silver Sponsor in 2022 to encourage engagement within the local industry at monthly guest speaker luncheons and other events. In April 2022, eight inGauge employees were pleased to attend including our most recently added team members, Kylie Ganicz (not pictured) and Hasnain Ibrahim.

Well Integrity Gets Targeted

Well Integrity Gets Targeted

inGauge Energy has started a project with a major Australian gas producer to review and update their well integrity management system. The aim of the project is to be much more pre-emptive and targeted in response to well integrity issues to ensure money is spent resolving issues rather than simply re-confirming known problems.

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Gas Flaring at Carpentaria 1

Gas Flaring at Carpentaria 1

Empire today updated the market with images of the flare at Carpentaria 1. This is a particularly exciting time for Empire as years of work starts to show itself in gas to surface. Tom (inGauge Completion Engineer) is getting to be an expert with the inGuage drone, taking some fantastic images of the flare shining forth on site, as the sun sets over the vast expanse of the Empire acreage. Tom was quoted as saying that using the drone was the only way of keeping Kelvin out of the photos.

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