07 3184 3510 [email protected]
inGauge is pleased to partner with Project Kindy, a small charity working with children in Africa.  inGauge provided funding for a well to be drilled to provide fresh water for a kindergarten and also to its associated village community.  This was one of four well drilled by Project Kindy and the fresh water makes a huge difference, especially to the women and children of the community who previously had to undertake a long and unsafe walk many kilometres to get water.


Learn more about Project Kindy here.

Glenaras Pilot Enhancement Programme

Glenaras Pilot Enhancement Programme

inGauge provided engineering and project execution for the 2021 workover campaign aimed at enhancing production from the Glenaras Lateral Pilot area. The programme has now been completed and is showing signs of success with gas rates in the field increasing to near 80 Mscfd.

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Well Integrity Gets Targeted

Well Integrity Gets Targeted

inGauge Energy has started a project with a major Australian gas producer to review and update their well integrity management system. The aim of the project is to be much more pre-emptive and targeted in response to well integrity issues to ensure money is spent resolving issues rather than simply re-confirming known problems.

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