07 3184 3510 [email protected]
inGauge Energy has started a project with a major Australian gas producer to review and update their well integrity management system. The aim of the project is to be much more pre-emptive and targeted in response to well integrity issues to ensure money is spent resolving issues rather than simply re-confirming known problems.
At the moment most Australian companies are using increased well inspection frequency as their primary mitigation for failed or nearly failed wellbore barriers. This reactive approach has a significant ongoing inspection cost whilst not addressing the cause of the issue. The intention of this project is to develop targeted solutions for different well types, such that the well remediation timeframe is more certain, remediation operations are fit-for-purpose, and well risks are better understood.
The intention is to have a suite of tools available and establish the most economic way of extending the operating life of wells, and reducing generic well integrity monitoring spend so that this money can be targeted towards actual well remediations.
Project Kindy

Project Kindy

inGauge is pleased to parter with Project Kindy, a small charity working with children in Africa.  inGauge provided funding for a well to be drilled to provide fresh water for a kindergarten and also to its associated village community.

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